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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Heart and Soul of Animal Rescue

Southlake Chamber Book Connection regular Roy Krymis has a movie coming out this month.

Wow, doesn't that sound impressive? It should—this has been Roy's dream for years, and he worked very, very hard to make it happen. He's always had a passion for animals, particularly rescue animals, and their relationships with the people who help and protect them. He was also very interested in the process of movie making, so combining the two interests seemed pretty natural.

Natural, but not easy. It was a long, slow process, starting with Roy learning some of the ins and outs of making a documentary, necessitating many, many trips back and forth between DFW and Los Angeles. He spent a few years getting all the details lined up, and all the obstacles cleared away. He and his film crew finally started actual shooting a few months ago. Then came editing. Then arranging distribution and DVD publication.

And now The Heart and Soul of Animal Rescue is in a movie theater.

The Book Connection group has shared in this adventure with him (in a we-only-talk-once-a-month kind of way), so we're all looking forward to seeing the finished product. Please join us!

You can buy tickets in advance, get more information and see a clip from the movie at Spinners End Media.

Congratulations, Roy, and I can't wait to see it!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Great article by Forbes has some really helpful tips about networking.

It's sometimes tough to walk into a room full of people you don't know, especially if you're at all shy. Personally, I often have to gird my mental loins before I dive in, and still there are times I'm just too awkward—or shy or uncomfortable or lazy or something—to do much besides hang out with the people I already know. That's not the most productive use of networking time! The Forbes article has some great advice on how to do it better.

BTW, I talked about the article on OP's Facebook page. Check it out!